Complaint Form
For your convenience, in case you prefer to use the form in Czech language, the Czech version is available HERE.
Name and surname: |
Residence: |
Return address (only if different from your residence): |
The email from which the goods were ordered: |
Telephone number: |
Bank account number (if the purchase price is returned): |
You can send the complaint form to the email address or together with the claimed goods to the following address: náměstí 14. října 1307/2, Smíchov, Prague 5, Postal Code 150 00 or you can contact our customer support at +420 703 604 836, who will agree with you on the next steps.
Identification of the goods: |
Date of purchase: |
No. of purchase document (invoice): |
Detailed description of the problem/defect in your own words: |
Photo documentation of the problem/defect: |
The chosen method of resolving the complaint: Please note that you have the primary right to have the defect removed if this is reasonable in relation to the defect and your situation (repair of the item, or supply of the missing part or supply of a new item). If you choose, for example, to withdraw from the purchase contract, this right may not always be available to you and we will ask you to supplement the way in which the complaint should be resolved. |
Note to the customer:
- The exercise of the customer's right to request the removal of the defect (repair of the item, delivery of a new item or delivery of a missing part) should not present significant difficulties for the seller or be an unreasonable requirement in view of the value of the goods and the significance of the defect.
- The customer's right to request withdrawal from the contract and a refund of the purchase price or to request a discount on the purchase price may be exercised if the defect in the goods constitutes a material breach of the purchase contract (the seller refuses to remedy the defect in the goods or fails to remedy it within a reasonable time; it is clear from the seller's statement that the defect will not be remedied even within a reasonable time or without inconvenience to the customer; the defect in the goods is repeated; or there is a material breach of the purchase contract.
Date: |
Signature of the buyer: |
To be completed by the seller:
Ulu Digital, a.s.
ID No.: 19299605
VAT ID No.: CZ19299605,
with its registered office at 14. října 1307/2, Smíchov, Prague 5, Postal Code 150 00, Czech Republic
Date of receipt of the complaint: |
Authorised person: |
Seller's statement: |
Date of settlement of the complaint and signature: |